After the theme of food for good health has been around for a while, now people have a new food trend, Diet by blood-type, which I heard from my neighbor that
“It will enhance balance to your body, immune system, digestive system and metabolism, resulting in anti-aging. Especially for fast-gainer, this formula helps control your weight.”
But do not expect drastically weight loss because this special menu is an alternative way which will show result in a long run. Overdoing will not make a balance as well. Diet by blood-type is a relation of food we eat and responses from our body to the food. Is it easily digestible? How well it is to convert the food to energy and utilize it for the body. How to get rid of the waste and how much does the body benefit from the essential substances in the food?
Diet by blood-type food is similar to general healthy food in the way that not everyone can have the same food. It depends on one’s blood-type that will clearly indicate the suitable type of food.
One day, I found a diet-by-blood-type restaurant. The restaurant owner told me he follow the idea from the book “Eat Right for Your Type” which is a research from Dr. J.D.Adamo, an American doctor, he explained “The Food we take in is related directly to blood-type and systems in our body. In general, everything we eat will result to our body in 3 ways. First, it is good for health like having supplemental, second, it is neutral, and last, it is toxic, this type of food only harms our body.”
What kind of food each blood-type should eat?
Blood group A people should have vegetarian diet, select food mostly from grains, bean, rice, vegetable and fruits except for tropical fruits because they will have bad effect to digestive system. For those who love fish, it will be fine for 3 to 4 meals a week, but should avoid having white-flesh fish such as Pomfret, Sole fish, etc. Types of food that Group A people should avoid are every kind of milk, butter, or egg, because they interfere digestive system and metabolism resulting in losing control on weight.
Blood group B people, on the contrary, is suitable for food such as milk, butter, egg, even white-flesh fish, deep-water fish that Group A people have to avoid, but for Group B people this will just enhance their health further, such as Snowfish, Pomfret, Sole fish, etc. No doubt that Group A people will be jealous about it. Every kind of fiber from vegetable is good for the digestion except for tomato that should be avoided because it has substance that will disturb the wall in the stomach.
Blood Group O people have a body that can digest protein very well. They should eat especially meat and seafood regularly because they help prevent Hemophilia and Thyroid dysfunction. Almost every kind of vegetable except bean, cabbage, shitake mushroom, and food such as rice, milk, butter are not good for health. Do not be too happy that you can eat almost everything and so neglect your own health.
A bit more about diet by blood-type cooking, the most important technique is the selection of ingredients suitable for blood group of each person emphasized on freshness, cleanliness, toxic-free, delicate seasoning, or even adjustment to your own style of cooking for creativity is not too hard or too tiring isn’t it?
Whoever wants to try diet by blood-type but get used to the taste of the everyday food, suggests getting rid of the bad stuffs little by little because abrupt change will just make you unhappy and quit doing it. It will be nice if you can eat with great taste and healthy too.