Do you know why your effort in weight-loss has been ineffective? Maintaining body weight to an appropriate level referenced to height, skeleton and age is one of the most important things for being healthy.
But sometimes following weight-loss program by being cautious about eating and doing exercise regularly cannot meet your losing goal because of some unexpected causes.
- Body Water Retention: Avoid eating foods that cause body water retention such as salt, soda pops, etc and eat some fruit like watermelon and orange that will reduce body water retention and get rid of a significant amount of body water.
- Food Allergy: Food allergic symptom may be one of factors that cause your weight-loss program ineffective. Food allergy that is seriously affected to weight control mostly found is wheat allergy. Because wheat composes of Gluten which may interfere digestive system, wheat allergic symptoms will create problems in food digestion, constipation, flatulence, feeling queasy, getting cramped easily, variance in temper and even food craving. Besides, it could be other allergic symptoms that should be checked out, because it might influence body weight and also cause swelling.
- Genetics: Specialists believe that genetics relates to obesity up to 30-40%, however, if you accidentally got obesity genes, it does not mean no hope of weight-loss, because a German researcher found that people who do exercise at least 2 hours a week might help your weight-loss.
- Exercise the way you used to do: Our body can adjust to the routine you used for exercise with less energy consumption, therefore, changing the exercise routine or trying new ways of exercise will stimulate your body to consume more energy resulting in burning calories out.
- Not enough sleep: Many research show relations between sleeping and the hormones that influence our eating behavior such as Ghrelin hormone which is responsible for hungry feeling and Leptin hormone which tells the brain when should stop eating. But if you do not have enough sleep, Ghrelin will increase and Leptin will reduce, resulting in feeling hungrier and do not feel full. Most people need approximate 7-9 hours of sleep, some sleep less, some sleep more, so how do we know that it is enough sleep? Specialist says that you should sleep as long as you need for several days continuously then your sleep will be stable and you will find yourself waking up after sleeping for expected hours. (15 minutes more or less) When you know how many hours needed, do that as a routine will help your weight-loss.